
Showing posts from July, 2008

Asus Eee 901 PC

Would love get my hands on the Asus Eee 901 Mini Laptop. I realize that in regards to performance and storage space, it seems to be lacking a bit, but when you combine the size, weight, features and price($399) the Eee 901 is must have! I would basically use it for Technical work, troubleshooting issues and education. I would probably go with the Linux Xandros version. I hope to be able to get one of the these very soon...............i'll keep wanting until then. ASUS Eee 901 Preview

Windows Server 2008 as a Workstation????

I recently read information about the possibility of customizing the highly regarded MS Windows Server 2008 to function as a Workstation. I guess if you really hate Vista and had the income to purchase Server 2008 ($999.99), looks like you could have the option of running Server 2008 as a workstation. There seems to be a debate whether this is something worth doing or not. Server 2008 and Vista do share the same Kernel, so there should not be too much of a difference between the two in performance......but I could be wrong! The myth of Windows "Workstation" 2008-Adrian Kingsley Hughes Convert your Windows Server 2008 to a Workstation!

Vista is not so......bad

Yesterday was the first day that I had a chance to play with Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 for an extended time, and I have to say that the more I started to use it, the more I was beginning to like it. Now bear in mind that I did remove much of the excess baggage that comes reconfigured, such as the side bar, security prompts and reducing start up programs. You can basically get Vista to run pretty close to good old Windows XP and still the get the extras from Vista. Here are some links to point you in the right direction: Removing Annoying Security Prompts in Windows Vista How to make Vista Fly