Adding the dig command is needed on a default install of Raspberry Pi OS(Previously Raspbian): sudo apt-get install dnsutils Adding dig to the Windows command line is a bit more involved: 1. Download the most recent stable version of BIND. 2. Extract the BIND package and then install BIND (As Administrator) in the following directory: C:\Program Files\ISC BIND 9 Make sure to check the Tools Only box. 3. Once BIND is installed, open Control Panel , then open System Properties . On the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables . 4. Under System Variables , Select Path and then click Edit . 5. Add " C:\Program Files\ISC BIND 9\bin " to the Path system variable. Click OK . 6. Click OK in the Edit Variables window and click OK in the System Properties window. 7. Copy the .dll files found in the BIND folder you extracted and paste ...