"Could not Open Install.Log File" Uninstall Problem

I was recently trying to uninstall an unused game from my wifes computer when during the uninstall process, I got, a "Could not Open Install.Log File" error. The uninstall of the program terminated and closed out with unwanted program still being there. After searching a bit, I found the answer. It looks like this error is probably specific to a certain type of install/uninstall program called "Wise Installation Wizard". The answer to uninstall these type of installs follows:

1. Open the directory where the program is installed. (Ex. For System Mechanic 5, By default, it is C:\Program Files\iolo\System Mechanic 5,if you have installed XP on C:\)

2. You will see a file named "Install.log" in there.

3. Move (cut and paste somewhere else) the "install.log" to say desktop.

4. Now, double click the uninstaller (uninstall.exe or unwise.exe)

5. It will ask you to open the installation log. Locate to the "install.log" file on your desktop.

6. Now, uninstall will work fine and you can uninstall the program.

I found the answer on http://www.thinkdigit.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-11563.html
Thanks to khattam_ on the forum. It saved me some frustration.

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Shope said…
I've seen this suggestion all over the web, but it doesn't work for me. I installed a Freeware Audio Editor, but cannot uninstall it. Further suggestions would be appreciated.
Shope said…
OK. I found the solution that worked for me.

Move the Unwise.exe from the program folder to the desktop (or wherever), then run Unwise from its new location. Navigate back to the program directory for the Install.Log file.

Found on YouTube, here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuXTpyxsUFI
sandhiya said…
Nice information, many thanks to the author. It is incomprehensible to me now, but in general, the usefulness and significance is overwhelming. Thanks again and good luck! Computer Installation

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